Ag-Bag Boost enhanced forage inoculant is available as dry and water soluble featuring an exclusive 4-strain bacteria blend and enzymes for all crop types. Boost protects your forage by providing aerobic stability and preserving forage nutrients. Ag-Bag Boost can be used in forage bags, piles, bunkers, and forage baleage. Ag-Bag Boost is backed by proven research over a variety of crop types.

What is Ag Bag Boost?
Boost is an enhanced forage inoculant that quickly starts forage fermentation. The lactic acid bacteria, L. plantarum and P. acidilactici, are industry standard bacteria that quickly provide forage stability by building lactic acid to kick start fermentation. Next, B. pumilus and L. buchneri work to complete the fermentation process to prevent molds and maintain cooler forage temperatures.

Why Use Ag-Bag Boost?
When properly applied, Ag-Bag Boost delivers the industry-recommended 100,000 CFU’s of lactic acid bacteria per gram of forage. Ag-Bag Boost quickly starts and completes the full fermentation cycle. Boost inoculant rapidly drops the forage pH for a quick and cool fermentation which reduces dry matter loss while preserving protein and overall forage quality. By adding L. buchneri to our exclusive bacteria blend, this stabilizes forage temperature at your forage face and during feedout.

Which crops can I apply Ag-Bag Boost To?
Ag-Bag Boost can be used on a variety of crop types including alfalfa, grasses, small grains, corn silage and high moisture corn. Ag-Bag Boost can be used in forage and silages stored in bags, bunkers, drive-over piles, silos, and forage baleage.

What's the bottom line?
Ag-Bag Boost enhanced forage inoculant will provide higher quality feed by protecting your forage nutrients from heating and waste. Using Ag-Bag Boost provides protection from molds and yeasts, especially at the forage face upon feedout. Typically, a $1 investment in Ag-Bag Boost inoculant will return $3 in improved production.

When Should I Use Dry Inoculant?
Ag-Bag Boost dry inoculant can be applied at the Ag-Bagger with an applicator. Ag-Bag Boost dry inoculant is packaged in 50-pound bucket that features a screw top lid designed to prevent moisture contamination to protect your inoculant in between bags. Each bucket will treat 100 tons of forage.
Apply one-half pound per ton of any forage or silage using a suitable, granular product applicator.

When Should I Use a Water-Based Inoculant?
Ag-Bag Boost water-based inoculant can be mixed with water and applied at the forage harvester or at the bagger. Ag-Bag Boost inoculant can be sprayed over the forage as it is being harvested. Ag-Bag Boost is sold in 50, 100 or 500-ton packets that are easily dissolvable and non-clogging. The mylar packets are designed specifically to protect the bacteria while keeping air and light out.